02 Plaster

Decorative Plaster

Venetian Samples

Venetian Plaster offers an earthy and soft feel popular in Ancient Greece and Egypt. This differentiation is due to its pure mix that is free of aggregates like marble, granite or glass. The texture is less thick than Marmarino even though the appearance is similar. It is applied in thin translucent layers for an iridescent finish for added depth and movement.

01 DVP-A1

02 DVP-B1

03 DVP-C1

04 DVP-D1

05 DVP-E1

06 DVP-F1

08 DVP-H1

10 DVP-J1

12 DVP-L1

07 DVP-G1

09 DVP-I1

11 DVP-K1

01 DVP-A1
Faux skin texture

02 DVP-B1
Gold leaf on red painted

03 DVP-C1
Painted and stenciled

04 DVP-D1
Alternating raised leaf pattern

05 DVP-E1
Bamboo leaf imprint design

06 DVP-F1
Multi-colored abstract design

07 DVP-G1
Cream and White Patterned Tile

08 DVP-H1
Wood Inspired Slats

09 DVP-I1
Tinted Wood Grain

10 DVP-J1
Multi-colored pigmented tile

11 DVP-K1
Ombre vertical tile pattern

12 DVP-L1
Striated wavy pattern

Decorative Marmorino

Fluted & Relief Marmorino

Stuc-Pierre Marmorino
